Thursday, April 17, 2008

McCain Affirms Prolife as the Republican Position

Family Research Council published today the following interview segment:

At a student forum moderated by MSNBC's Chris Matthews, the Republican nominee reiterated the importance of the party's pro-life platform:

Matthews: ...Would you put a person on the ticket with you, like the former governor of this state who is very popular, Tom Ridge, even though he may disagree on the issue of Roe v. Wade and abortion rights?... McCain: I don't know if it would stop him, but it would be difficult... Matthews: Why that one issue? Why is that one litmus test issue? McCain: I'm not saying that it would be necessarily, but I am saying... the respect and cherishing of the right of the unborn is one of the fundamental principles of my party. And it's a... deeply held belief of mine.

'Nuff said, David

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